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  1. Skye

    got under under the map somehow

    wsg under map glitch, idk how this happened, I spawned in mlg lobby and I was placed here.
  2. Skye

    Kicked for suspicious activity for spinning too fast

    idk if im the first to discover this, idk if you consider this a bug or good anti-cheat, or both, but setting your dpi to really high and spinning fast kicks you out for suspicious activity.
  3. Skye

    How long does it take for a staff application to be accepted or denied? (No rush)

    hye! So I applied for staff last Sunday. I am so eager to know if it was accepted or not lol! What is the estimated time to know if it's accepted or declined? (As the title says, no rush, I'm just really eager and Ik probably there is a lot of staff applications coming through!)
  4. Skye

    MLGrush: Spawn at same spawn

    I was playing MLGrush today and a little while ago I destroyed my opponent's bed and we both spawned at the same spawn (I spawned at my opponent's spawn) and was able to destroy his bed. I don't know how this bug occurs or if it was just a 1-time thing.