FlamezMC's Introduction


Hello! I'm FlamezMC, but friends usually call me Flamez. I don't really like long introductions so I'm gonna keep this one short. I've played Minecraft for about 2 years and I seem to like it a lot. I am fluent in both French and English but I prefer French a lot more! I'm looking forward to soon become staff here so wish me good luck!!
That's really all, if you have any questions just dm me on discord: Flamingo#2814
See ya!


New member
Hello! I'm FlamezMC, but friends usually call me Flamez. I don't really like long introductions so I'm gonna keep this one short. I've played Minecraft for about 2 years and I seem to like it a lot. I am fluent in both French and English but I prefer French a lot more! I'm looking forward to soon become staff here so wish me good luck!!
That's really all, if you have any questions just dm me on discord: Flamingo#2814
See ya!
Hey Flamez! Welcome to the forums. I think I remember you from somewhere, not sure where. By any chance, were you a part of the staff team at minemen club at any point of time?


Hey Flamez! Welcome to the forums. I think I remember you from somewhere, not sure where. By any chance, were you a part of the staff team at minemen club at any point of time?
Yes, I was!! Usually, people do not remember that!
Here are the staff teams I was in!

Player Base: 500 - 1000
Staff Rank: Moderator

Player Base: 1000 - 2000
Staff Rank: Moderator

Player Base: 500 - 1000
Staff Rank: Helper/Support

Player Base: 300 - 500
Staff Rank: Trial-staff

Playerbase: 40 - 100
Staff Rank: Admin

Orbit Prison
PlayerBase: 200 - 300
Staff Rank: SrMod

Here the proof if you don't believe me ?


New member
Yes, I was!! Usually, people do not remember that!
Here are the staff teams I was in!

Player Base: 500 - 1000
Staff Rank: Moderator

Player Base: 1000 - 2000
Staff Rank: Moderator

Player Base: 500 - 1000
Staff Rank: Helper/Support

Player Base: 300 - 500
Staff Rank: Trial-staff

Playerbase: 40 - 100
Staff Rank: Admin

Orbit Prison
PlayerBase: 200 - 300
Staff Rank: SrMod

Here the proof if you don't believe me ?
Ayy, the moment I saw you, I instantly recognised you! I used to be a T-Mod at minemen too. My ign used to be- ErnMore at that time!


Active member
Hello! I'm FlamezMC, but friends usually call me Flamez. I don't really like long introductions so I'm gonna keep this one short. I've played Minecraft for about 2 years and I seem to like it a lot. I am fluent in both French and English but I prefer French a lot more! I'm looking forward to soon become staff here so wish me good luck!!
That's really all, if you have any questions just dm me on discord: Flamingo#2814
See ya!


Hello! I'm FlamezMC, but friends usually call me Flamez. I don't really like long introductions so I'm gonna keep this one short. I've played Minecraft for about 2 years and I seem to like it a lot. I am fluent in both French and English but I prefer French a lot more! I'm looking forward to soon become staff here so wish me good luck!!
That's really all, if you have any questions just dm me on discord: Flamingo#2814
See ya!
Nice to see you here! It would be great to see you on the staff team!