Search results

  1. xViiRuS

    chest dont disappear

    Please provide an image of this bug.
  2. xViiRuS

    Also since I was away on vacation I didn't mention this, I joined the network over a year ago!

    Also since I was away on vacation I didn't mention this, I joined the network over a year ago!
  3. xViiRuS

    fuxc’s introduction.

    Hello fellow green person!
  4. xViiRuS

    Hello fellow green man!

    Hello fellow green man!
  5. xViiRuS

    helper dood

    helper dood
  6. xViiRuS

    He is one of the owners too!

    He is one of the owners too!
  7. xViiRuS


  8. xViiRuS

    He is the owner. wow wee

    He is the owner. wow wee
  9. xViiRuS

    The Introduction of xViiRuS

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z
  10. xViiRuS

    Welcome to the team!

    Welcome to the team!
  11. xViiRuS

    hows all the staff going

    It's going well.
  12. xViiRuS


  13. xViiRuS

    Welcome to the staff team!

    Welcome to the staff team!
  14. xViiRuS

    placing blocks in pvp arena (lobby)

    It's best to show video evidence so we can see how the bug can be completed.
  15. xViiRuS

    placing blocks in pvp arena (lobby)

    Do you have proof of this occurring? Video evidence ect. If so provide it here or make a ticket in the Discord.
  16. xViiRuS

    Commands Suggestion Idea

    Very informative.
  17. xViiRuS

    No u.

    No u.
  18. xViiRuS

    Thank you for the follow!

    Thank you for the follow!