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  1. cufp

    Add a custom texture pack, would be nice for some things

    That is a good idea, but at the moment prison is closed so it can’t be implemented. Thanks, cufp (Bridger land staff)
  2. cufp

    Bug finder

    At this moment there isn’t a bug finder rank. Even though we really do appreciate you finding bugs and reporting it to us on our discord server. Thanks, cufp (Bridger land staff)
  3. cufp

    Make staff application public

    Staff applications are meant to be private as it’s the admins and owners job to look after there staff. It is not other players jobs to look over staff applications. Sincerely, Cufp
  4. cufp


    Ban evasion is being banned and using a different account to play while your ban is still running. thanks cufp
  5. cufp

    Someone know what the F* did i do

    That is just +1 tellies meaning they are not hacking.
  6. cufp

    I didnt know where to post this...

    if you have been banned you should be banned rightly. Trying to bribe an admin is not allowed and you will be punished accordingly. If there’s feel free to close this thread.
  7. cufp

    *Other* person got banned for timerlag

    I’ve looked into the ban of “Tangoviking” and he was not false banned. Thanks feel free to close this thread.
  8. cufp


    Who, and please show proof.
  9. cufp

    Autoclicking - XN0TK3V

    Please send proof on our discord server.
  10. cufp


    Please open a ticket on our discord thanks.
  11. cufp

    player report

    I have seen this player before. He is annoying but I do not believe he is hacking. Feel free to open a ticket in our discord server with proof of him autoclicking. If there’s nothing else feel free to close this thread.