Staff application


New member
sup people
i am farely new to the discord and website however not at all new to the server I had a question is there any way for people to apply for staff tho ?



Retired Staff Member
Hello Figo,

First off, I would like to formally welcome you to Bridger.Land! Thank you & welcome to the forums! I see you have taken interest in wanting to apply for staff, however. I would recommend getting to know all of our platforms (Discord, Minecraft Server, Forums, etc.), before applying as we want to make sure our applicants are qualified to apply as being as knowledgeable as possible with our many game modes and overall network.
You must also meet the following requirements which you should read BEFORE applying, which will be linked below.

If you feel like you are ready to apply and meet all the requirements to apply want to give it a shot, click here to be taken to the staff applications section on the forums. Then you want to simply navigate to the top right corner of the section and click "Create Thread". Once that has been done, copy & paste the format into the thread and answer the questions directly from there. You can find the requirements for staff along with the format to apply, here.

I hope this helped! If you have any more questions, concerns, or need any assistance related to our network; please contact me or another member of our staff team and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Once again, welcome to Bridger.Land and we hope you enjoy your stay here! Welcome! :)

Make sure to post threads like this in the appropriate sections! This would fall under the category of "Community Help". But since this is your first time here, it's no worries!
